From the Director’s Desk…
Last week, the President signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The CARES Act has some specific implications for special education. Funding, funding, funding and waivers from the requirements under the IDEA that the Secretary of Education can submit going forward are the 2 key implications for those of us in the special education world.
How many dollars will be available in Kansas and how they might be allocated is yet to be seen. We do know that using those funds for the provision of special education services is an allowed or approved practice. Stay tuned and we’ll revisit this conversation in the weeks ahead.
In terms of waivers from IDEA requirements there are several that are primary considerations. Can we put off annual IEP meetings that come up during the time we operate under continuous learning plans? Likewise, can we put off or extend the period in which we conduct the initial evaluation and/or 3 year re-evaluation? What about IDEA part C to IDEA part B transitions? Again, stay tuned to our daily updates, social media outlets, and weekly Zoom meetings – we’ll get information as soon as it becomes available.
Thanks for all you do!
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