KASEA Legislative Update June 16, 2017
Governor Brownback on Thursday signed SB 19 into law. As he signed, he took yet another swipe at the Legislature, chiding they missed an opportunity to reform and improve Kansas’ schools.
SB 19 largely mirrors the former SDFQPA formula, with just a few tweaks. It adds about $200 million in new funding to school districts in 2017-18 and another $100 million in 2018-19. While the new spending was lower than most were hoping for, it was difficult to imagine where more revenues would come from when the state was facing an estimated $800 million deficit over the next two years – not including new education spending.
The bill now must be reviewed by the Kansas Supreme Court, where an expedited review is anticipated given the June 30 deadline issued in their last Gannon order.
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KASEA Legislative Update May 26, 2017
School Finance Continues
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KASEA Legislative Update May 20, 2017
Overtime in the 2017 Session
This Monday marks the 98th day of the 2017 legislative session, into what most of us would call “overtime.” From the beginning, legislative leaders allowed that this session might take closer to 100 days given the weighty issues before them, but it’s clear that day will be in their rearview mirror before the session wraps up.
The real sticking point is assembling a comprehensive tax package that can pass both legislative chambers, without being vetoed by the governor. The House has shown willingness to pass healthier revenue bills, including one vetoed by the governor earlier in the session. The House voted to override the veto, but the Senate failed to do so by three votes.
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KASEA Legislative Update May 5, 2017
Veto Session, Week One
The Legislature returned May 1st to complete the major tasks of the 2017 session: passing a balanced budget; assembling a revenue package to support budget demands; and crafting a school finance formula that passes Supreme Court muster, as detailed in the Gannon III decision.
As of Friday, budget committees in the House and Senate have put finishing touches on their budget proposals, but have yet to debate them in chambers. As it currently stands, legislators will need $500 – 540 million in additional revenues to simply balance the budget, not including additional funding for school finance.
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